Subquery Snapshots Toolkit

Made you own Subquery Indexer Snapshot with Toolkit

Subquery Toolkit


cd /sr/src 
git clone
cd subquery-snaphots-toolkit
cp .env.default .env

Configuration (.env)

COORDINATOR_IP (Optional). if variable not set, script will try to detect from system
POSTGRES_HOST (Optional). if variable not set, script will try to detect from system
POSTGRES_PORT (Optional). if variable not set, script will try to detect from system
POSTGRES_DB_NAME (Required) name of database (default is "postgres")
POSTGRES_DB_USERNAME (Required) username for postgres (default is "postgres")
POSTGRES_DB_PASSWORD (Required) password for postgres
BACKUP_PATH_TEMP (Required) Temp folder where system try to create snapshot (Danger. Folder must be different of BACKUP_PATH). Sample /mnt/temp
BACKUP_PATH (Required) Path where dump sill be saved. Sample: /mnt/snapshots
BACKUP_S3_BUCKET_NAME (Optional) If S3 used (Bucket name) Sample: mysnap
BACKUP_S3_FOLDER (Optional) If S3 used (Full path in s3 bucket) Sample: SQ_SNAPSHOTS

Setup crontab

echo "0 3 */5 * * /usr/src/subquery-snaphots-toolkit/ > /usr/src/subquery-snaphots-toolkit/execution.log && /usr/src/subquery-snaphots-toolkit/ > /usr/src/subquery-snaphots-toolkit/s3_sync.log" > /etc/cron.d/subquery_db_backup

Single snapshot restore

zstdcat %YOUR_DUMP_NAME%.zstd  | PGPASSWORD="%DATABASE_PASSWORD%" pg_restore --host=%POSTGRES_HOST% --port=%POSTGRES_PORT%  -U postgres -d postgres

%YOUR_DUMP_NAME% file path where located zstd snapshot.
%DATABASE_PASSWORD% Password for Postgres
%POSTGRES_HOST% Host with Postgres
%POSTGRES_PORT% Port with Postgres